Career guidance 900 learners
Providing learners with the opportunity to conduct career research, network, and explore a variety of high school exit options, goes a long way...
Providing learners with the opportunity to conduct career research, network, and explore a variety of high school exit options, goes a long way...
Africa’s premier academic exchange platform, WindAc Africa 2022, is inviting renewable energy researchers to once again showcase their work. The...
The trio of young women who make up Zinothando Bakery are amongst a group of entrepreneurs who are receiving training and mentorship. This...
An additional 147MW of capacity is added to the national grid as Enel Green Power South Africa’s Soetwater Wind Farm achieves commercial...
Local SMME, Noupoort Data Analysts, is one of the many small businesses in this community that is growing into a sustainable entity, following...
A group of small and micro business owners from communities in the Siyancuma Local Municipal area have successfully completed an enterprise...