Local De Aar Reading Coach, Samantha Moses (38), is one step closer to fulfilling her dreams of becoming a teacher. Driven by a strong desire to make a difference in Early Childhood Development (ECD) in her community, Samantha is excited for the opportunities that will be unlocked, with help from a study bursary from De Aar Solar Power, once she is qualified.
As early as her first year as a Reading Coach, it became apparent that Samantha wanted to teach and work with younger children, and now, with the support of the De Aar Solar Power bursary, Moses is soon to commence her second semester of a Diploma in Grade R Teaching.
“The Reading Coach programme has highlighted the need for more teachers, especially in a community such as this, where children are faced with difficulties and struggles in classrooms because of their learning disabilities. Currently, there are 20 learners under our care as Reading Coaches at Kareeville Primary School in De Aar. The Coaches assist each child with reading skills and provide them with the one-on-one attention they need,” commented Samantha Moses, who is one of 15 Reading Coaches that form part of De Aar Solar Power’s Literacy Programme.
The experience and training gained from being a Reading Coach, has enabled Samantha to develop a better understanding of the learner’s emotional well-being which has further influenced her dream to one day work in ECD.
“Seeing a child with learning difficulties finish a reading passage is most rewarding. It is the light at the end of a dark tunnel. You know then that all your hard work, time and dedication is not in vain,” added Samantha.
Samantha has enjoyed much-needed financial relief, due to support from the De Aar Solar Power Bursary Programme, which sets out to assist students in the areas of Hanover, Britstown, Philipstown and De Aar. Additionally, it has also made it possible for her to consider applying for a Bachelor of Education once she completes her ECD degree in 2024.
“It is our wish that through our Literacy Programme and Bursary Programme, community members like Samantha are encouraged to pursue a career in education and plough their skills back into the community,” concluded Anita Takor, Community Liasson Officer for De Aar Solar Power.