Love Life launches new youth centre
Amidst much excitement members of the Bochum community, together with local youth and a number of key stakeholders, including the Mayor of...
Amidst much excitement members of the Bochum community, together with local youth and a number of key stakeholders, including the Mayor of...
Over the last three years, mothers in the Gamagara area have been upskilled to become mentors, in order to build Early Childhood Development...
Thousands of girl learners, across seven schools, have been helped through a programme aimed at supporting dignity through the supply of personal...
The recently refurbished Boesmanland Hoerskool boarding house facility, was officially handed over to the school and Department of Education, in...
Hundreds of Grade 1 to 3 learners and their Reading Assistants, across fourteen schools, in the communities of Hankey, Patensie, Ocean View,...
Nearly 3 000 high school learners have benefited from a Career Guidance and Leadership Development Programme, designed to empower and enhance...