Seven budding entrepreneurs from the Kanana community recently celebrated their graduation, marking the completion of the first phase of an SMME development training programme. The event was attended by key stakeholders including representatives from the local Matlosana Municipality, Dr KK District Municipality, Ward Councillors, Department of Economic Development, and the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA).
These graduates, together with an additional intake, have commenced training in the second phase of the programme. Funded by Bokamoso Solar, the programme is being implemented by Africa’s Got Game, and will continue until April 2023.
“The purpose of our programme is to elevate and accelerate entrepreneurs and provide them with the tools and resources to build businesses that have a positive impact on their communities,” concluded Claire Phutieagae, Community Operations Officer for Bokamoso Solar.
One of the graduates, Lehlohonolo Kantsa, owner of ‘Man in Construction’, a company specialising in general building, civil works, electrical engineering, PV solar installation, property development, real estate, and enterprise development, said, “I am grateful for the opportunity, which has landed us our first property and enterprise development project in Kanana called ‘Kanana Business Hub’. The aim is to provide shisanyama, internet café, car wash, restaurant and gym services. The Hub will be a one-stop shop for the community of Kanana, offering five types of businesses under one roof.”
This programme is funded as part of Bokamoso Solar’s Enterprise Development Programme, which is focused on stimulating the local economic growth and creating opportunities for the youth in and around the Leeudoringstad area in the North West Province.