The EnergyDRIVE initiative, an educational endeavour established by the renewable energy industry, arrived in the Eastern Cape Province after a weeklong journey through the Northern Cape.
Marking its inaugural stop in the province, the EnergyDRIVE bus visited three schools in proximity to the Golden Valley wind energy facility. These include Sipho Camagu High, Lonwabo High, and Cookhouse High, where enthusiastic students congregated around the iconic yellow “edu-tainer” bus.
Principal at Sipho Camagu High School, Tsilatsila Azwifaneli, said, “The EnergyDRIVE is not only creating and helping our learners embrace renewable energy, but it provides our communities with a means to learn about opportunities and innovation. As part of promoting Maths and Science and motivating our learners to consider these fields for their future careers, we feel that the overall programme is relevant and of interest to our school as it fits into our curriculum as a whole.”
The fundamental objective of this programme is to engage, educate, and inspire, with a particular focus on nurturing the next generation’s interest in renewable energy.
Celiwe Mabaso, Senior Social Performance Manager at BTE Renewables, expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “The EnergyDRIVE bus gives us a fun and interactive way to introduce green technologies to our secondary school learners and communities. We’re hoping that this interactive initiative will spark interest in learners and motivate them to actively be part of the renewable energy space.”
The Eastern Cape Province is known as the darling of the green energy map representing a big chunk of the country’s wind farms, which explains why this is the fifth time that the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) and its partners have included this region of the country in the EnergyDRIVE’s journey each year.
The edu-tainer features engaging interactive models that enhance comprehension of various renewable technologies. These exhibits not only promote awareness of renewable energy sources but also address pressing concerns related to climate change. With a solar roof structure, biogas digester, photovoltaic panel display, and a solar hot water unit, the EnergyDRIVE offers valuable insights into the advantages and applications of renewable energy.