A celebratory occasion marking 110 years of a local rugby club in the Eastern Cape’s community of Adelaide, was recently hosted. This significant milestone for the Lily White Rugby Football Club, drew the attention of the country’s Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, who sent best wishes and acknowledgement of the role that this club played within the local community and in showcasing talent.
Players across many generations and some of the club’s prominent supporters gathered to commemorate together, many of whom received special awards and recognition for the contributions made to the club.
“Lily White is one of the oldest sports clubs in the country. Throughout its history, the club also provided space and opportunity to players who did not have an opportunity to showcase their talents on larger platforms during apartheid. Today, the club continues to play an important role at grassroots level, and in tackling social ills in society such as gender-based violence and femicide. I would like to congratulate Lily White on this huge milestone, and wish you many more years,” said Minister of Sport, Honorable Zizi Kodwa.
Through its many years of standing, the club has proudly produced three springbok players and several provincial players and has been a beacon of hope for youth.
“As with many small towns in the region, Adelaide youth look to sports as an escape route from a life of crime and substance abuse. There is no doubt that sport has a significant impact on local communities and creates a sense of camaraderie that unites people, which is why the decision to partner with the club was an easy one for us,” Lifa Baskiti, Community Liaison Officer for Cookhouse Wind Farm, funder of the event.
As part of the celebrations, Cookhouse Wind Farm donated a three-piece playing kit for the 1st team, including 80 branded t-shirts, 20 golf shirts and 20 caps, as well as commemorative banners. The catering, decoration, and photography services were all locally sourced, contributing to local economic development.
This support forms part of Cookhouse Wind Farm’s Socio-Economic Development strategy, which has Youth Development as one of the five focus areas.