Roadshow to illustrate community benefits
Highlighting the benefit of collaboration for the upliftment of communities within the Pixley ka Seme Municipal District, a group of Northern...
Striving for gender-equal leadership in the renewable energy sector
With 57% of all EIMS Africa’s employees being female, and 42% holding leadership positions, the company is helping to drive the renewable energy...
Empowering local ECD practitioners
Twenty-seven local Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioners, who formed part of a capacity-building initiative, were recognised for their...
Hertzogville celebrates new community crèche
Amidst much excitement children, parents, community members, and representatives from the Department of Education, gathered to celebrate the...
Skilled pool of talent needed to deliver renewables and unlock economic benefits
As the demand for new power generation grows, so does the demand for qualified and skilled talent in the country’s renewable energy sector, and...
Equal access and leadership to drive transition to increased renewables
As reported in the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) World Energy Transition Outlook 2022, the renewable energy sector will provide...
Dedication leads to great achievements for local
Robert Khoza, a Kimberley resident and beneficiary of a local bursary programme is a source of inspiration for many in his community. Having...
Building education by funding students
Education holds the key to addressing inequality and poverty that persists in South Africa, with one of the most effective tools being to...