In an effort to help provide electricity to learners and staff at Stinkhoutboom Primary School, a 15kVA generator was recently handed over as a stopgap. The school is currently operating from temporary containers with plans to build a permanent structure, at which point a solar power system will be considered for installation.
Funded by Zeerust Solar, the aim is to support communities in need by providing renewable energy solutions. Furthermore, this donation will guarantee that the school can operate efficiently and provide a safe and conducive learning environment.
At the handover event, Ramotshere Moiloa Municipality Mayor, Cllr Dina Pitso emphasised on the need for all municipal stakeholders to work together on developing communities of Ramotshere through strengthening partnerships for a common purpose of delivering services to the locals. She added, “Indeed, as promised, you are helping to put the North West Province firmly on the country’s clean power map. We strongly condemn all criminal activities, and are grateful that the generator is now well-secured.”
Zeerust Solar, in partnership with the school, the Department of Education and the Ramotshere Moiloa Municipality, worked together to find a temporary solution that would not compromise the school’s security. The silent generator will power administration offices, classrooms, kitchen areas, water pumps, and security lights. Moreover, the generator will be less likely to be stolen as it will be mounted to the ground, fenced, and guarded by the school’s security personnel.
Added to this, a diesel supply worth R100 000 to subsidies the costs of the school to operate the machine was also donated, which will last for about two years.
“The donation to Stinkhoutboom Primary School is a testament to our commitment to empowering communities and improving the quality of life for all,” said Tshepo Kgoloane, Community Operations Manager for Zeerust Solar. “Our hope is to provide a power solution to Stinkhoutboom Primary School in the form of a silent generator as a temporary solution, and to provide the school with solar power as a long-term solution.”
The school had initially requested a solar power solution in 2021. However, during site inspection, it was discovered that the school did not have certified security systems in place, and break-ins were a common occurrence.
Following the bid evaluation process, a local construction company was appointed to procure, install, connect, and commission the 15kVA silent generator (dual fuel supply), and classroom electrification at Stinkhoutboom Primary School. Once the construction of new classrooms is completed and the Department of Education provides security personnel, the possibility of installing a solar power system will be explored.