Over 250 elderly persons from across three local Galeshewe old age homes, in Kimberly, enjoyed a Christmas luncheon to celebrate the close of 2022. This Open Day demonstrated appreciation for the role of older persons within local communities, bringing together key stakeholders across government, civil society and the private sector.
Funded by Matla A Bokone Solar and carried out in partnership with the Department of Social Development, ‘Age in Action’, and the Northern Cape Older Persons Forum, this programme speaks directly to the Older Persons Act, which is intended to protect, promote and maintain the status, rights, well-being and security of older persons.
“Our aim is to build relationships and empower the ordinary older person in our communities through these initiatives by Galashewe Association for the Care of the Aged and Disabled (GAASCA). The happiness, acknowledgement and appreciation displayed by our beneficiaries, are proof that the project has restored dignity to older persons,” said Tshepo Kgoloane, Community Operations Manager for Matla A Bokone Solar.
It was a day of festivities that included gift-giving, fun activities, and games, as well as speeches from Age in Action and the Northern Cape Older Persons Forum.
Ms Mathidiso Kote, from the Department of Social Development, concluded by saying, “This support is important because the older people solely depend on the Department of Social Development for funding and to render effective services. We thank Matla A Bokone Solar for acknowledging the older people in our communities, as organisations are often focused on youth and children.”