As reported in the news today, wind turbine original equipment manufacturer Nordex Energy SA continues to view South Africa as a key market despite the disappointing outcome of BW6 (December 2022), which failed to deliver a single wind project, owing to grid constraints across the ‘wind’ provinces.
Nordex Energy South Africa, which owns over 30% of the domestic market share, subsequently reassessed the future wind-turbine potential, which confirmed there to be ongoing growth potential, albeit at a slower pace, compared to the 3 200 MW allocated to the failed bidding round.
As reported, the assessment also indicated that the South African wind market is no longer likely to be dominated by public procurement, with the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) poised to experience competition from private procurement initiatives.
It has certainly become evident that private wind and solar PV developers have moved swiftly to secure access to the very same grid capacity that the 23 wind bidders were proposing to use for their REIPPPP-linked projects.
Nordex is positioned to secure both the public and private-off taker markets, having noted the changes in local content rules.